In the meantime... I'm parting the newly emergent buckeye leaves to see if I can find a flower bud inside. No luck so far.
Here you see the manzanita flowers fallen on wood chips. Don't they look just like little snow balls? Or maybe hail. Yes, just like. See--I know exactly what you're going through.
I don't know why I'm so entranced by this branch of lemons. I seem to take this picture every time I visit the garden.
Light is coming back to the garden. Not a moment to soon for cordyline
or Phormium cookianum 'Black Adder'.
The general state of things in the garden right now looks like this
and this
and this
I was joking I'll need a machete by summer.
I don't know what it means for July when it's hard to traverse the garden in February.
Here's a different view of Hardenbergia violacea from down in the garden. Cobaea scandens (lower right) is the more aggressive plant for sure.
It also has flowers all year long where Hardenbergia does not.
I haven't started any vegetable seeds yet. The favas have at least 6-8 weeks to make beans. But even if they don't, it was worth it to have them just for the flowers.
You know the cabbage was just a whim crammed in between the beans. But maybe I'll try keeping it for harvest. How much longer, do you suppose?
Over under the Ceanothus, Omphalodes cappodocica is spreading and flowering. Mostly flowering.
And last year's Ipheion uniflorum came back. First time ever.
They're very pale. Hardly blue at all.
Those favas really are pretty, and that cabbage is also a winner.
Everything looks so pretty and lush there! I guess you guys don't have freezing temperatures.(-: No snow here either just rain(-: I did get out and raked today and I have violets coming up everywhere and a few daffodils blooming. The roses are growing too!!! Spring is near!!!(-:
That is a lovely Cordyline!! I love the red/pink ones!!! So purdy!!!
The look of the favas are amazing!!! I will have to see if they will grow here...might be fun next year!!!
The Hardenbergia is gorgeous. Be careful with the Ipheion uniflorum, though - around here they're weeds almost as ubiquitous as wild radish and mustard. Prettier than those, but definitely invasive.
OMG, that's what fava beans look like in the garden? I don't even know what they taste like, but I think I HAVE to plant some in my backyard this year. They look like some kind of exotic cousin of hollyhocks! But edible!
The Phormium 'Black Adder' is gorgeous. I'd be definitely drooling if I had lemons growing in my garden. Everything in your garden always looks so beautiful and lush. Sadly, my garden is under several feet of snow.
If I had a branch with lemons growing on it, I'd take photos every time I went past it too. So great for a northerner like me to see a junglely garden,
Beautiful pic of the light hitting that cordyline. You have a very lush garden indeed for February.
Speaking of machetes, has a ton of different types of machetes from all over the globe for sale for use by survivalists, gardeners, campers, farmers, etc... If you have a specific use, this machete styles page helps you find the perfect machete.
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