I was surprised to find a flower stalk rising from Aloe plicatilis. Thought it would be years before that happened.
I was also taken aback to find tulip buds already. (Not complaining.)
For links to many more late-winter Bloom Day vignettes, visit May Dreams.
I believe February 2010 is the fourth anniversary edition, am I right? Happy Anniversary!
(And don't forget about Foliage Follow-Up at Pam's place tomorrow.)
What's the little grasslike thing in the bathroom window? It seems so perect for that spot, somehow.
That's an epiphytic Tillandsia, commonly called an air plant, sitting in a half-shell. She'd be happier with more moisture than she gets.
Absolutely love your Aloe plicatilis. I have not seen that before. Also, what is the flower...3rd one down from top with yellow ruffly pedals and purple?
That's a witch hazel. The east coast has native witch hazels, Hamamelis virginiana, but they don't do well very in California. Instead pick the Chinese version Hamamelis mollis, or named cultivars like 'Primavera' which are hybrids of H. mollis.
Now that you know the name, I predict you'll start seeing Aloe plicatilises everywhere.
chuck, An absolutely gorgeous flower show! This is why I am California Dreamin! Your photos are crisp and clear...What's your camera? gail
I use a Canon PowerShot A650 IS. Love it. Sad that it's not in production anymore. Why would they do that?
The flower stalk rising from Aloe plicatilis is a surprise. Yours may be a mature plant (though small) as it seems that there are several pups.
You're quite correct, it's very congested. I would remove them but I'm not sure if Aloe plicatilis thinks of its side growth as pups or branches.
The last photo is most lovely. The rest of them make me want to shout. Just wait til next bloom day.
Lol I like the last picture a lot too!
Your garden is just full of beauty and color. I love the chartreuse and burgundy of the witch hazel and your Hardenbergia is just beautiful!
Definitely need fava beans. And Aloe plicatilis!
Does that crocus have a touch of gold on the outside of the flower petals, or is that just the way the light hits it? Either way, I really like that subtle details in the photo.
Wow. A lot of nice flowers and photos, and the daffodil and tillandsia photo is a very charming. You definitely seem to be ahead of my garden across the bay.
Chuck - your photos are absolutely amazing. They never fail to cause me to lose my breath for a brief moment. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!
Noelle--the Hardenbergia looks exceptionally good this year. I'll have to prune it back really hard after the flowers so it doesn't engulf the deck.
Kim--I think there is some gold on the crocus petals. I'm making a mental note to look more closely next time so I'll know for sure.
Ryan--Feels like I'm finally getting my due with an early-ish spring. Year after year I've always been late. And it sucked watching everyone else's spring pass me by on blogs. This year I'm getting mine!
Thanks Rebecca--it's all the camera. I just point and shoot. I'm a snapshot photographer if there ever was one.
Certainly is refreshing and needed to see such color and light.
Just lovely.
I love that last picture!
Thanks for the plug too.
I agree with Pam, the last shot is my favorite. Happy GBBD!
LOVE the purples, love the Aloe, and I especially love the last photo of the daffodil in the window. I'm so envious of spring at your place!
Kylee, When it comes your spring will be better. A crisp bright line. Here spring is a long, wavering and never-fully-satisfying shimmer that we only enjoy when it resolves fully into SUMMER.
Summer is the thing here.
That may be, Chuck, but you can grow so many more things than we can! Yeah, you know...it's the zone envy thing rearing it's ugly, frustrating head again!
Heck yeah you've got spring! I'm shoutin' right along with Christopher C (as I look out onto falling snow). Aloe blooming!
Your pictures are so clear... looks really nice. That tibuchina is lovely.
Your flowers are so pretty! The lighting on them was just perfect to bring out all their colors.
Oo! That's an aloe?
*runs off to make a plant marker for mine*
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