Doggie water fountain. That's nice I guess. A lot of dog people bug the heck out of me, but I like dogs.
What a grand entrance to Buena Vista Park.
We're not going in there.
Behind that iron fence...
A sunken garden. Neat.
This uncommonly large, and hence very old, Ginkgo biloba was pruned to accommodate the pole. I guess you do what you have to do.
This is not something you have to do, but it's kind of cute.
The small stretch of Noe Street north of Market has some nice expanded sidewalk areas with planters, pots, and benches.
There's a small farmer's market.
Standard fare mostly, but these breads look especially good.
Moroccan sausage sounds intriguing. All sold out.
I stopped for a lime Italian soda at Cafe Flore, a storied neighborhood institution.
Haven't been here in many, many years.
This teeny community garden
has a ridiculous waiting list.
Excuse me, community gargen.
The waiting list is especially ridiculous considering how much weedy open space is just a block away.
Anyway. We're climbing a hill now, and nearing the end of our trip.
That building went condo, but it used to be a hospital. Kinda creepy.
Looking south toward my beloved Bernal Hill:
Corona Heights does have better views than Bernal Hill. I'll give it that.
Dolores Park
The Castro
Some of the best views are close up. Grindelia sp. (gumplant) is a widely distributed western scrub plant that I am quite fond of. I don't know how to distinguish among the different species, although a few have made it into our gardens, including G. hirstula.
Nice stairway walk-always brings back fond memories o my trips to SF. I went to the Noe Valley farmer's market last July.
So is it a job job that has been keeping you so busy? If not you would make an excellent urban hiking guide and could charge money for that. I am missing my tragic under-employment greatly.
Another great walk around town, Chuck and great pics to go with it. I don't suppose you caught the name of the meat vendor? I've been looking for someone like that to no avail here in the South Bay. Anyhow, great stuff as always. Thanks.
A tree Tu Tu!
I'm still trying to figure out what's up with that little ivy tutu on the tree trunk. Hmm...
Hey, what is the gorgeous purple stuff spilling out of the bed with the Japanese maple and the phormium? (Just above your comment about liking dogs, but not all dog people--with which I agree!)
My goodness, that is a LOT Of gorgeous photography!!! My fav shotis the top one!!! Love those sux!!!
I enjoyed the change of scenery - thanks for the tour There is so much to do on the property I really don't get out much (work doesn't count!) But me and old wood rat there, before we moved in and moved up to the mountains, we did our courtin' on such city hikes and had a fine time exploring SF.
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