It's smaller than the last one (which I'm holding on to), so it fits under the stairs better. I think it's also better than the other one wrt/ material and construction (I sound like a contestant on Project Runway). I also like being able to take the whole top off. Aeration will be a problem when I want to turn the pile with a pitchfork (always a favorite pastime), but I'll mix that metaphor and cross that bridge when I come to it. In the meantime, it's a-compostin'. I filled 'er up right away, even layering the greens and browns which is usually too intense for me. Already the pile gives off heat, and water condenses on the bottom of the lid. Go!
I formally raised this bed w/ some cobbles. Before, the bed soil was at grade but with a thick mulch applied on top that inevitably rolled into the gravel path. Now it's a raised bed.
Those are the stairs that go up to the garage door. The house's foundation is about 2' high in the back, and below grade in the front. I don't know how much. Does that make sense? This is San Francisco. It's hilly. Does that help?
Anyhow, the planting in that bed needs some consideration. I'm committed to the Vitis 'Emeryville Pink' and the rambling Rosa 'Veilchenblau' both of which I'm training on the stairway. I planted the root crowns much too close together, but grapes and roses can find their own way, right? Make it work.
Also in there: a blueberry 'Patriot', a Fuchsia boliviana, some black mondo grass, Tweedia caerulea, some sea pink. Randomness. Needs more thought. More conception. More purposefulness.
I think it's strange that my 'Early Cherry' tomatoes all have a pointy nipple on the blossom end. I do not remember that from the last two years that I've grown this variety.
The recently sown cilantro bolted. Boltified. Boltitude. Bolitlicious. @Tangledbranches chriped, "I think cilantro tastes better after it starts to flower. You can cut it back and it will probably resprout. Pretty flowers, BTW." Well, hmm.
This fall/winter, I'm thinking about removing the bamboo clump that supports the passionflower 'Victoria'.
What to replace it with? Leading contenders include apple and pear. I have Ribes aureum I could move there. How big does Ribes nigrum get? Should I put a rose on the fence? Lots to think about.
Ignore the moldy dahlia and look at the Heuchera 'Caramel' and 'Marmalade'. Also, those green columbine leaves. Nice, huh?
Also, Phormium 'Black Adder' and Beschorneria rigida. Groovy, eh?
The first fall aster opened today. That makes it officially "late summer" in the back 40.
To that end, I recently snipped all the leaves off the buckeye to drive it in to dormancy. I may be more tolerant of those summer-brown leaves in the future. But for now, off they go.
It's late summer.
Pick a raspberry.