The one lane-bridges and low, lava rock walls on either sides of the road and of course the lush vegetation all work to evoke a potent sense of "old Hawai'i".
We stopped at the cute little gallery. The door was open but nobody was home.
An old cemetery is next door.
Random scenes passing by, snapped from the passenger side window.
This road, btw, leads directly to the Hawai'i Tropical Botanic Gardens--an amazing place, and we're going there next.
The BI's wet side is different from Maui's wet side because the plants are slightly different. On the BI, the Alexander Palms make a big difference in the look.
I bet it can get interesting if you meet another car at the one lane bridge on such a twisty road. It did seem to me that a "scenic route" in Hawaii would be a bit redundant, but it looks almost like a secret "locals route".
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