Anyway, it looks like this currently:

There are a few flowering panicles.

I haven't spent more than one afternoon in the garden since October. I'm averaging about an hour or two a week. That's a significant deviation from the mean for me; I've practically lived back there since I started to garden 5 years ago. We're planning to move when I finish school in another year, hopefully to a bigger garden (otherwise, why move). Am I detaching from this one? No, I'm just very busy with school. It's probably a good thing. Let the garden grow without my constant meddling.
I will say I wonder if I will miss this garden when it's gone. I'll replace it with a new one but I'll always have the blog to remember it with.
Now then, Bloom Day. We have a few things, but not much.

I know I should tell you their names, but I'm kind of tired of saying their names. Does that ever happen to you? Here is a plant with a name I never get tired of saying, The Marble Gardens Mystery Rose. So how do I visit Marble Gardens, and what else is growing there?

I'll come back tonight and add the Bloom Day link May Dreams, but you can go there now and read about Ida Bennett, (part 1, part 2)
ADDED: For more Bloom Day action, go visit May Dreams Gardens.
ADDED: I got an answer to my question about Marble Gardens! @AnniesAnnuals says, "b/c annij calls her garden "marble gardens" from all of the marbles she's found in it & the rose is a mystery" Check out Anni J's garden at that link!
All my plants seem to be about a month behind where they were last year too - not just behind in blooming, but also behind in losing their leaves. I'm not sure why this year's weather is having that effect, but it does seem to be.
My Lily of the Valley are just poking through the soil - how lovely that yours are already blooming. What a difference a hundred or so miles makes!
Your blooms are lovely, refreshing after so much rain and cold here. In the times when I'm away from the garden and then reconnect, I love the new discoveries to be made and evidence of the garden's resiliency. Happy Bloom Day!
No GBBD for me with deep snow cover here and more expected today plus no flowering houseplants so I am enjoying the Southern Hemisphere gardens and yours! Love to see the leucojum flowers, very unusual.
Beautiful. Love the purpley blue one.
Wow! You're garden looks like summer still - I'm jealous.
love your post and colorful displays - i'm so fond of those long tubular fushias, but have forgotten the name?
have a great weekend
Oh my, those few flowering panicles are so lovely - you seem to have a lot of lovelies, and I know what you mean about repeating their names - ssometimes you just want to look!
It seems like your fuchsia are always in bloom. If I was still on Maui I would be needing the Hardenbergia.
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