Back at home, we entertained the usual visitors.

I rhapsodized longingly about the California meadow garden at the Woodside Library.

Bernal Hill remained as lovely as ever,

While nearby Glen Canyon Park was resplendent with yellow mustard.

We explored the new Pennsylvania Garden on public land rounded by a freeway exit here in the City after I read about it in Pacific Horticulture. I meant to go back later in the year, but I never got around to it.

I thought my garden looked lovely in late February

But it was nothing compared to the monocotyledonous glory of the Cazadero Garden we visited in March.

While we were up there, we spent some time on the Sonoma Coast.

I admired the springtime bloom of the rosemary among the restios at the Blake Garden

and John Greenlee gave a rousing talk on meadow gardens at the San Francisco Flower and Garden Show.
We went to Kauai at the end of the March. The Moir Garden's massed aloes and lava walls reminded me of Lotusland.

We buzzed through Kauai Nursery & Landscaping and took in the hardwood plantation and lovely ornamental landscaping at Na'Δ€ina Kai Botanical Garden.

I snapped this picture of a baby albatross there.

I wouldn't mind being in Kauai right now.

Meanwhile back home in April, I detected a tropical vibe creeping in to certain corners of my garden.

The winter-growing crimson-flowered favas were fun and memorable. I'm sorry I didn't grow them again this year, but I dedicated those containers to Southern highbush blueberries and there is no room for them now.

We dropped by the Sunnyside Conservatory to appreciate its recently renovated gardens:

Then I buzzed up to Sacramento to spend a great weekend with Carri from Read Between the Limes. We stalked the Old City Cemetery,

and visited the incomparable, inspiring potager at UC Davis' Mondavi Institute.

UC Davis, the western United States' premier center for agriculture and horticulture research, is home to many fine gardens. When you're there, don't forget to visit the Ruth Risdon Storer Garden too.
I had a May reverie about beauty vs. interestingness in the garden of my guru

and Rosa 'Veilchenblau' bloomed for the first time in mine.

Chaos prevailed:

And I enjoyed a few of the many juxtapositions that began to occur spontaneously in my small space.

We continued to visit other people's gardens, including the Mad Englishwoman's

and that of my Flickr friend Mark Delepine who invited us to a party across the bay in Berkeley.

I think we agreed that Berkeley in general is a bit of a horticulture head-trip.

San Francisco was no slouch in that department. We finished off May with a stairway walk in Corona Heights.

Guy and I kicked off June with a quiet weekend at Nick's Cove in Tomales Bay,

where, among other things, we walked out to the ocean through Abbott's Lagoon.

June highlights included a visit to UC Berkeley Botanical Garden

Mountain View Cemetery in Oakland

And an art sale benefit for the Ruth Bancroft Garden in Walnut Creek.

My garden was full sun and I marveled at the endless numbers of anise swallowtail larvae eating fennel I planted out precisely for them. Note that I still haven't seen a single anise swallowtail butterfly!

We spent two nights at Safari West in Santa Rosa,

That was fun and different for us.

I got the idea to grow dahlias and summer squash on the front steps. It was a success and I will do it again in 2011

I was tremendously thrilled to visit the Melissa Garden designed by Kate Frey with Annie Hayes and her gang from Annie's Annuals and Perennials.

I'd be happy to have a little cot in the garden tool shack here.

In August my buddy Kirsten and I continued our annual late summer tradition of visiting the San Francisco Botanical Garden just as the gates close. The Garden is breathtaking in the summer light of late afternoon / early evening. This year it was overcast and downright foggy, but still lovely as ever.

I had better light on my own at the Blake Garden a couple weeks later.

The blog records a severe heat wave in August. I vaguely remember it.

Starting in September, I made a concerted effort to get out of Bernal Heights and visit more of the City where I live.
Even more unusual, I was in the mood to take pictures of people.

That was downtown. I did it again a couple days later in the Mission.
Meanwhile the first tawny colors of Californian fall began to reveal themselves in the coastal sage scrub at Crissy Field.

Between summer school and the start of fall quarter I found time to do three very long (for me) hikes at two of the large open-space preserves off Skyline Road.
There were no tawny summer colors in the fogbelt of El Corte de Madera Creek.

I could have been in Washington State for all the moss and lichen everywhere.

That's also where we saw the tafoni sandstone formation. I came back later to see the old growth redwood (singluar), but I'm not sure if any of you came with me. That blog post got no comments (my only comment-free blog post of 2010).

One week later, I was pretty sure Purisima Creek a few miles north was haunted.

Guy and I went to the beach and I had a lot to say about the fountains at Sun Studios in Half Moon Bay. Arlie Middlebrook talked about Edible California Natives at September's CalHort meeting and I dutifully wrote up my notes.
October was a fine time to visit John Greenlee's meadow garden at Cornerstone in Sonoma.

In fact, it was a fine time to visit all the gardens there.
We went back to Palm Springs in October and stayed at the fabulous Parker.

While we were down there this time, I finally got to see the Moorten Botanical Garden and I took 352 pictures of it.

Joshua Tree was sublime but the unseasonal heat discouraged us from seeing more than a little bit of it.

I was happy we got to visit the cholla garden again.

The next weekend Carri and her husband came down from Sacramento to visit us and we went to the pumpkin patch. Then a week later Guy and I were off to Big Sur.

We drove along the coast and visited the Light Station at Point Sur.
My buddy Claire escorted me to the Albany Bulb in November finally allowing me to cross that off my to-do list.

What passes for "winter" in our part of California seemed to arrive in the garden all at once on November 8. We got our first cold rain of the season that dropped temperatures into the 50s, which is pretty much where they've stayed since then, and where they will continue to stay until April (excepting the annual heatwave in January when everyone wears shorts for a week and marvels about our great fortune to live here, imminent economic catastrophe and constant, horrible traffic non-withstanding).

Regardless, the Montanoas bloomed and I was happy.

I gave the blog my last big hurrah for 2010 in December when I had to go to the DMV for an extension on my driver's license. I took the opportunity to walk all the way home, starting with a visit to the Golden Gate Panhandle.

That led to a somewhat nostalgic walk down Haight Street,

and proceeded through the Lower Haight and the all-bread Christmas tree on Church Street

and concluding with our third cemetery of the year (a record on this blog), at old Mission Dolores.

I do hope you enjoy your travels here. I want you to know that I am grateful to have your company whenever you can join me.
Right now the garden is quiet, but spring will be here soon enough, and as I type these last words 2011 is less than one day away.

Happy New Year! May it bring good things to you and your garden.
Wow! What a great year - you did a lot of really cool stuff! I love this overview & all your pictures. Can't wait to see what 2011 brings.
Thanks for doing a fantastic year-end round-up - probably the only one that really grips my interest, after all who wants to hash over the past year's miserable economic ball-ups; politicians dead, half-dead, and wish-they-were-dead; wars making a lot of ordinary people dead and a few people richer; etc, etc.
I am a faithful follower of your blog even when I don't comment. So a satisfying and adventurous New Year to you and Guy, and please keep on blogging.
Good god man I'm exhausted! (in a good way)
What an amazing mash-up of a grand year of blogging. Happy new year!
Happy New Year Chuck. I'll say it again. You and Guy are so good about getting out there for weekend trips to see your own beautiful state. Hope 2011 brings plenty new discoveries.
Thank you for the great recap! I look forward to your posts in 2011.
Those are some nice photos.
It looks like some of them were post-processed a high dynamic range-like filter but the effect is more subtle than many.
Would you share your technique for getting the colors to pop and saturate without looking too over processed?
The Canon Powershot cameras come with several settings for taking pictures of different subjects (e.g., indoors, in snow, nighttime). I use the foliage setting for everything because it looks most lifelike to me.
That is all!
You probably have a very nice monitor, too.
Happy New Year! Wow, quite a tour there. Thanks for all the great posts.
Absolutely Fabulous!
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