Not enough to soak anything, but enough to notice.

Today is all overcast and cool, but summer is not over for another month.

I take this picture a lot. You know, I didn't intend to have purely yellow sunflowers. I bought 'Claret' seeds, but everything came up yellow. Argh!

When fall comes, I have lots of seedlings to plant out and/or give away... Nassella cernua, more of that purple columbine, Eriogonum grande, etc.

More Dahlia 'Bishops Children'. Some Verbascum and foxglove. Fuchsia. A few native trees I won't be able to keep, like Cercocarpus betuloides and Fraxinus dipetala. Those I will donate or give away.
I have a flat of Coyote Mint (Monardella villosa) I'd like to see blooming next summer.

Cantua buxifolia 'Hot Pants' will be a featured specimen here where the bamboo was, if everything works out.

And it will be interesting to see what this Echium pininana does. Will it flower next year, or not for awhile? I grew five of them from seed, and then I bought another packet of seed. No germination yet from the second packet. Frustrating.

ADDED: I wasn't going to post this part, because it's kind of whiny. But I suffer so much from raccoons, I deserve some sympathy. This is the kind of thing I've been waking up to a lot lately.
Please note that my fondness for you as a commenter is directly proportional to the quality and amount of your sympathy for me.

Lord have mercy child. Get a live trap then go for a walk on a long pier.
Your garden is looking great. I love the lighting and color in the rainy pictures.
Those raccoons really did tear up that area. They are a pain. They've been messing up our pond again the last week or so.
I love that you have a gnome :)
I feel your pain. Raccoons are the scourge of my otherwise happy existence.
I would say that that is a real cussing situation. Your pain is very real to me. It's not raccoons in my garden, it's rats, rabbits, and birds, dang their flea bitten hides. Arrrgh
I'm excited to see what the Cantua 'Hot Pants' does for me too! Thanks for bringing it to my attention! And sorry about your garden pests- your poor gnomes!!!
Oh no, not the gnome! That is just the last straw. Christopher is a harsh fellow, isn't he? We have to keep the pond covered with black bird netting all year just about because of the raccoons going after the fish and therefore tearing the pond liner causing a leak that will require the whole mess to be taken apart, rock by rock. I just fill it up with the hose every day or two. Fond yet?
OH I can commiserate too! There is a collective whine going up from gardeners about raccoon damage- are there more of them these days? Calling all coyotes!
For me, only gophers are worse pests.
I never miss your blog. Cynthia
Honey, I'm with Christopher! After all, those varmints are harsh with YOU! I had some visiting me this spring, but my neighbor took to murdering them...I didn't have to get involved :) Skunks have been more destructive here, digging for grubs like they're drilling for oil!
Honey, I'm with Christopher! After all, those varmints are harsh with YOU! I had some visiting me this spring, but my neighbor took to murdering them...I didn't have to get involved :) Skunks have been more destructive here, digging for grubs like they're drilling for oil!
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