Fabulous containers. Click the pictures to enjoy larger file sizes.

They sell many meant for water gardens.

I particularly liked these with the rough surfaces.

But they had many nice glazed pots too.

Here are some of the water gardens.

Why ever grow canna in soil when you can grow it in water? (Note: it was quite windy, hence the wind-blown look.)

This long rock wall planted with bromeliads, ferns, and other epiphytes equals anything you'll see at a resort or botanical garden.

So many varieties for sale. We can grow some of these plants in some outdoor garden conditions in northern California, but mostly these are houseplants for us.

I would totally grow pineapple.

I didn't catch this guy's name, but it was huge. A good 4' across in its pot.

Extensive selection of palms of many different species.

I guess Coleus is the Hawaiian heuchera.

Insane leaf margin!

I think I'd also grow all the fruit and spice trees I possibly could.

I haven't looked this up yet to find out what it is.

Citrus. I've never seen this shape of nursery pot before.

Right now I can't recall ever seeing a rose in Hawaii before this. Well, they seemed happy in the pot.

It was lovely to see tables of the very familiar South African Gazanias we grow as bedding in California. I'd have some of these in my Hawaiian garden too.