This was the scene this morning.

Generally, I do not care for variegated foliage, but I like this plectranthus very much. It's especially nice under the deck where it brings light to the dark.

Everything under the deck gets by with relatively little water. I used the last of the water in the rain barrels this morning to give everyone a good soak.

I ought to do something about all the stray pots and containers. Too many.

I'm putting off any hard decisions about pots tho. I don't like to think too hard in winter.

I want more places to sit, too. This is all I have left! Well, I can sit on the stairs. A garden with few places to sit is not a very inviting garden. (Not that I ever invite people to visit. But if you want to visit, just ask.)

But ask in April or May when all the little sprouts and seedlings will be more interesting.

In addition to watering the wildflowers, I hope the rain will bring up some more fungi. Oh! That reminds me this year's fungus fair must be coming up. I hope it didn't already happen.

Will the Montanoa grandiflora flowers last until Bloom Day? I hope so. If they don't make it this year, there's always next year. Yeah, I plan my Bloom Day posts years in advance, don't you?

This is where the blog post comes to an abrupt end. I need more coffee.
Nice update Chuck, I really like the red carex (?) in the middle of the post. Might need to find a spot for something like that in my little planter out back.
It looks great Chuck. More places to sit, even just for the gardener is smart. I hope you get enough rain to fill your barrel. An empty rain barrel is just sad. Yes, we do scout out for bloom day in advance, especially during the winter months. Looks like you will help the rest of us have something pretty to look at then, and all winter. :-)
ps I haven't been out to check the cobaea, it has been snowing and very very cold, low twenties. If I can find a bloom, it will be the star of bloom day, besides the orchids.
I take back any suggestion I ever made about structure in your garden. You have plenty of it and I don't think you are o'ding on fine foliage. Maybe it is all in the mood of the photographer and the eye of the camera on select days.
Enjoy your rain like I enjoy my rare sunny days.
I love the color on those favas. Funny though I have never eaten any.
Neither have I! Not that I can recall anyway.
Surely I've just forgotten.
I've definitely never cooked them.
I stumbled upon your post over a year ago while randomly searching for a certain plant. I have saved you to 'Favorites' and check in often but never figured out how to leave comments till now! I love your oasis garden and the many outings documented by beautiful photos. Thanks so much! I am a landscape & planting designer in Walnut Creek and love plants too.
I grew broad beans this year and cooked them. Maybe I didn't do it right, but I was not impressed. I would grow those with the red flowers as ornamentals though, like the scarlet runner beans. The Cobaea lives and blooms, a few protected ones anyway.
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