Fuchsia bolivina var. alba

Tibouchina urvilleana

I cut down the yellow tarweeds (Madia elegans) after taking this picture. The Verbena bonariensis is looking tired too, but I let it stay. Butterflies come for it every day.

Cobaea scandens is typically loaded with flowers.

Little Crocus speciosus comes up in several spots, but the recent hard rains knocked them all down to the ground. All except for this one:

On the subject of geophytes, I'm not sure what this is supposed to be. I would assume Amaryllis belladonna except that it's so late in October.

I pinched back the blessedly weedy native Symphotrichum chilensis to see if it would make more flowers in a few places. Not so much.

This unusual Arctotis grandis with a blue disk flower (from Annie's Annuals, of course) has a lot of flowers, but the stems are tall and floppy in my garden. I can only enjoy one flower at a time.

In the back near my work area, my last sunflower of 2009 shares space with Asclepias curassavica.

Meanwhile, something is chewing on the lemon. Something is always chewing on the lemon.

The flowers are still very fragrant, which is nice because there is some sort of dead animal in an inaccessible corner stinking up the place. I'm going away for a couple days. Hopefully the bad smell will be gone when I get back.
For more Bloom Day fun, visit May Dreams Gardens on the 15th of any month.
An inaccessible corner with a dead animal? Even the wonders of the lemon tree can't cover that stench can it? Yikes! The fuchsia continues to amaze. I thought mine had died, drowned from all the rain, but it has made new growth after going into the greenhouse. The little Pacific Coast iris looked dead too, but has new growth as well. It is outside in the ground. Hooray!
I haven't seen that type of fuchsia before, I wonder if it would grow up here? I have a little Meyer lemon tree which will probably never produce fruit, but just smelling the flowers makes it worth having around.
Your pictures are always so clear, I've been using the foliage setting that you suggested awhile ago. Maybe you've got better lighting than we do now?
Something is always chewing on our lemon tree also. Bastards.
Your garden has beautiful blooms! I have never seen the types of Fuschia and Crocus before that you featured.
They are stunning.
The Cobaea is looking particularly fetching in this bloom day shot. We really need to work on the fall bulbs up here.
Hello Again,
Chuck, you can find seeds for the Baja Fairy Duster at http://smart-seeds.com/cacafaduse.html
I haven't grown them from seed, so I can't offer any advice on that.
I hope this helps!
Chuck! Your photos are great - love the usual suspects - someday I will have F. alba blooms, Cobea, AND Tibouchiana. Har. Love also Asclepias - haven't been successful with that, either and I need it! That Crocus !! Sorry I am a color-aholic. Wow it's crazy! My V.Rogers Red is very burgundy this year. Yum. Stop by my blog and check out my Sissinghurst post. Your blog still inspires me. Thanks!
Great pictures as usual. The crocus looks as if it is hatching from a white egg. I really liked the arctotis and enlarged it to see the detail in the blue center - very cool.
I adore that pic of the cobaea with its many stages of flower represented. What gorgeous but subtle color in that photo...
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