Either I'm having an acid flashback or your camera work is just stunning. The colors in these shots is fantastic and so are your compositions. I wish I had a 40" by 60" canvas giclee print of the third shot, the CA poppies & co. Really, really great stuff Mr. b.
Is it hot where you're growing them? Leafy greens don't like heat. Move them to a cooler spot, or try again in winter. You can grow greens all winter long in SF.
Either I'm having an acid flashback or your camera work is just stunning. The colors in these shots is fantastic and so are your compositions. I wish I had a 40" by 60" canvas giclee print of the third shot, the CA poppies & co. Really, really great stuff Mr. b.
Beautiful photos, Chuck, and lovely combos, esp. the lettuce table. And what a handsome cat besides.
I am loving the lettuce table -- how does it work? How much dirt? Is is solid or perforated underneath?
I have epically failed at my attempts to grow leafy things.
Is it hot where you're growing them? Leafy greens don't like heat. Move them to a cooler spot, or try again in winter. You can grow greens all winter long in SF.
The cat's name is Mr. Fluffy, by the way. He lives near the GFE and often hangs out there. He also likes plain bagels.
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