
Oakland, CA: Preservation Park

I mentioned two blog posts ago that I'm serving as a juror in federal court in Oakland. Most days I bring my lunch from home and eat it here, in Preservation Park, a block from the courthouse.

Preservation Park

Preservation Park

Preservation Park

Preservation Park


Preservation Park

Without going in to too much detail (you can read more here)...

Preservation Park


Preservation Park


Preservation Park

Of course, I enjoy the landscaping as much as the architecture.

Preservation Park


Preservation Park

Preservation Park

Preservation Park

Preservation Park

Preservation Park

Preservation Park

Preservation Park

Preservation Park

Preservation Park

Preservation Park

Preservation Park

Preservation Park

Preservation Park

Preservation Park

Preservation Park



ryan said...

I've worked off and on for the Student Conservation Association who has an office there. I've made my students do goofy team building games in that circle.

chuck b. said...

Any suggestions for other things to see/do down in that area?

Les said...

That looks like a great place to eat lunch, and I'll bet you are ready to get out of the courthouse by then. It almost looks movie set perfect.

Germi said...

I am wanting to beam myself right there right NOW! This is about as different from Los Angeles as a place can get - it looks like some wonderful Atticus Finch type man will be walking along, whistling a tune...

If only all cities had civic pride. Sigh. You are so lucky to live in the Bay Area!

lisa said...

I just LOVE the architecture and overall look of that place! I'm very expensive to live in such as area...or are they mostly landmarks and businesses?