That's some of the sidewalk planting outside the garden fence.
Moving inside...

Rosa 'Phyllis Bide' seems to make flowers of many colors.

There is an apple orchard on the hill behind the garden.

And a short wildflower walk.

Back down in the garden...some final shots.

In the neighborhood.

Last visit, here.
Do you know what the plant is with the dusty pink/orange flowers and gray foliage? It is in the last two shots before the neighborhood pictures.
I believe it's Salvia aurea, an up-and-coming South African.
A very tidy, organized and floriferous garden. You certainly live in an amazing city to have all those community gardens.
We're very lucky, especially considering how many renters there are who presumably don't feel much inclined to invest in a garden, and how small most of the property lots are relative to the 'burbs.
Another beautiful garden. You are lucky to have so many wonderfull places to walk by. What is the old bath tub thing? A wormerie? or a compost bin?
The 'Phyllis Bide' looks interesting - it's available at the Antique Rose Emporium but it seems to work the opposite of 'Mutabilis', opening in the deeper color and fading to near white, while the 'Mutabilis' opens light yellow and moves through apricot and pink to rose.
My pineapple guava - Feijoa sellowiana made a few flowers but no fruit. You have it too, don't you Chuck? Do you ever get fruit?
Nice graphics on the scoop sign!
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
Gintoino, I'm not sure what that bathtub is. I just figured it was a planter of some kind. I'll go back in a couple weeks and investigate.
Annie, I do have that Feijoa, in a pot on my front steps. Mine has never fruited, but they do fruit all over town. I think it actually prefers cool temperatures to fruit well.
Very nice little garden! LOL the sign, and I like that bathtub. I bet something like that would be a good place for a bog garden. Heh, I think it would be fun to plant a whole "bathroom", tub, sink AND toilet with bog plants and marginals.
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