Purple Needlegrass.

I wish the Samubus mexicana would grow faster. Guy gave me permission to remove the bamboo if I planted a bougainvillea. I might just do it.

I don't really need his permission, but it's nice to have everyone on board for major changes. Besides a bougainvillea, removing the bamboo would give me more room for vegetables, and a fruit tree.
The purply third photo from the bottom looks like some sort of alien bug.
Nice shots.
All so lovely. What color bougainvillea? All aboard!
Jim, thanks.
Frances, Not all of them do well here. They say 'San Diego Red' is the best choice for San Francisco, and I might go with that because my garden has enough purple.
Don't you think Bougainvillea might be a bit pedestrian for the exotic environs of the Back 40? Surely there is some unusual, astounding vine seen in one of the botanical gardens that would be more at home there.
Yeah, I can't say that I'm wild about bougainvillea either, but Guy likes it and it would mean something to him... It would be nice if he visited the garden more often.
I could always take the bamboo out and just not get around to planting a bougainvillea... I would prefer to espalier a fruit tree there and use the space in front of it for vegetables.
Ohh, a fruit tree against the fence would look so good and accomplish two goals in one. What does best there, apple? Surely you can use your persuasive talent to show Guy the wisdom of such a plan. How about a boug. in a hanging pot on the fence somewhere else?
You have so much going on out there! We are just starting to show lushness here and today it is quite windy and sunny and cool! Love those pics.
Apples, pears, plums, lemons, and some figs all grow well here. And then there's a whole host of uncommon, exotic fruiting plants and uncommon varieties of common fruits that the California Rare Fruit Growers have found that do well in our climate. That's a whole world I haven't entered yet. Could a boug share the wall with an apple? I'm reluctant to commit more plants to container life in my garden.
Layanee--welcome to this year's garden lushness! :)
Maybe you shouldn't wish the sambucus would grow faster, Chuck...at least it still fits in the border for now ;-]
I like what Frances said about bougainvillea in a hanging pot. In Austin they do really well grown that way, and you can move the pot to keep the plant in full sun as seasons and/or shadows change.
I covet that fuchsia.
Annie at the Transplantable Rose
Do you have a shady spot for that fuchsia? I could start one for you. It would be an interesting experiment. You'd know in one growing season if it's working or not. They grow super-fast in the right conditions.
Emma's told me something similar about that Sambucus...
Chuck - you are too kind but they're not happy here... I bought a small one in a hanging basket last month just to see a fuchsia flower once more before the heat hits. This one will already be on my conscience!
The current experiment is trying to make Lily of the Valley dug up from Illinois adapt to Austin ;-]
Hi again Chuck, do the boug's get super huge like they did in So. Cal.? We had one that covered the whole two car garage, beautiful though, kind of a peachy coral color. I love the leaf on the figs, they are so artistic in shape. We planted a little black petite fig here this year. We are on the edge of it's hardiness zone and will have to wrap it for it's early years. But those leaves are so cool. I love the idea of you and Christopher coming to visit, hope it can happen sometime. Fall is an incredible time to view the mountains in North Carolina, people come from all over the world just to see the leaf color.
Have I told you lately that your photography is off the chain? Because it most certainly IS, you know! Wow.
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