Trillium ovatum.

Mahonia amplectans (San Diego Barberry).

Aristolochia californica, Dutchman's pipe, larval host of the pipevine swallowtail butterfly, Battus philenor. I followed a B. philenor imago throughout the UC Botanical Garden yesterday, but I couldn't get a picture of it. Alas, I didn't see one here.

Salvia sonomensis.

There sure seems to be a lot of public gardens in your neck of the woods. Lucky you.
Maybe my Salvia nemorosa can look like that one day.
It could easily happen this year with that plant. I put one S. nemerosa in a pot on my deck; it, and Gaura now seem to be competing for dominance after being invisible all winter.
Man, that is almost as beautiful as the gardens in Philadelphia! Oh, the East Coast guys are hip I really dig those styles they wear....
Wow! What an improvement on their website!!!
It always looked like someone was practicing their html skills, but really didn't know what they were doing.
They've done a great job!
I'm loving that trillium, and hoping to grow the dutchman's pipe as an annual this year. Maybe I can start it in my Aerogarden...
What species do you have? The CA one grows slowly for two years before it makes a real plant. "First year it sleeps, second year it creeps, third year it leaps."
My Salvia nemorosa will look like that in May. I need to either move it or the nearby Cotinus because they look spectacular on their own but really shitty together. Burgundy does not go with violet.
I often wonder what to do in those situations. I always want the answer to be "add another color" to blend things together.
That is a beautiful garden. I love the salvia and all those purples.
That's gorgeous. I love the view down onto the path, with all of that color.
I went to look for my Dutchman's pipe seed to answer your question, and I can't find it! Rats...sounds like I should try some seed outdoors and some as a houseplant though, just in case.
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